The how and why of properly functioning markets is critical to understanding the modern world generally. It is even more important for people trying to get a handle on investing. Unfortunately, the great majority of people do not truly grasp this vital set of concepts. The … [Read more...]
Three Resolutions for the New Year
Here are 3 suggests for resolutions you can make to improve your financial life in the year to come. Do not sign anything you don’t understand. If you don’t understand it, don’t consent to it. Don’t sign, don’t say yes, and don’t agree to anything that is not … [Read more...]
Alternatives as an Investment Tool
More than from any other source, power and relative advantage in a negotiation stem from having a strong alternative. To say it plainly, your alternatives are those things you will consider doing if the deal you are working on falls apart or cannot be completed? The existence … [Read more...]
Whom Is To Be Trusted?
The greatest challenge in managing your financial life is choosing the guides, experts, and providers in whom you will place your trust. How can you identify who has real knowledge as opposed to a working vocabulary of the conventional wisdom? When you finally find an adviser … [Read more...]
Investing on the Horns of a Dilemma
If we accept as truth that the financial services industry is fraught with challenges for a typical investor, what actions should one take? Is it wiser to search for an advisor, guide, or professional who will rise above the difficulties, or will you be better served by figuring … [Read more...]
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